I can't believe it has been nearly 2 months since we met our beautiful daughter! My, how time flies when you're having fun:)
Here are some updates on Miss Liya:
*she can say a few sentences now, and her favorite word is "wait". Hey, at least it's not "no!"!
*she loves to gab on the phone
*she wants to pick out her clothes each day, and she calls each outfit "pwetty" as she's putting it on....so cute:)
*she loves her big brothers, and knows just which one to go to for each of her needs, lol!
*if it were up to her, she'd take 3 baths a day;)
*she still hates to wait....for anything!
*she has a major shoe fetish
*we love her to pieces!!!!
And now, the only thing you really wanted to see....pics:
All dressed up for big brother's Pre-K graduation
With 2 of her brothers at Sea World
Digging for bones at the T-Rex Cafe in Downtown Disney
Waiting for food at T-Rex Cafe
"Wow! Look at those Dinos!"